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Master NFT Creation: Maximize Revenue!

Written by admin1 | May 7, 2024 12:12:54 PM

What’s all the rage about NFT? Everyone is talking about this revolutionary digital asset and businesses too are ready to turn their brand assets into NFTs. Who can say that it might be the next big thing the world can see after social media.

But do businesses create digital assets just to make money? No it isn’t; you add value to your customers and maximize the revenue. Besides, NFT creation helps businesses interact with their customers by leveraging their luxury products like smart wearables. Remember GAP launching the “hoodie art” as their NFT and companies revving up their digital asset with wearables.

So, before you go ahead with an investor business plan, here is unleashing the NFT creation process:

NFT’s have picked up value in recent times for one big reason; there is no copy of the assets created. So, if you own one, you are going to be the owner and no one else can take your place or create a similar digital asset in the blockchain. Be it an image, art, music, or any collectible, rush through the creation process at first:

Learn how the process works

If you are here for the first time creating an NFT, start by learning how things work. That way, you will streamline the process. First, you need to create digital tokens using cryptography, which is also called minting. Wondering who are the ones to create NFTs? Well, anybody with a decent amount of money can go for it with the help of the tools available in the NFT marketplace.

Process can vary

Well, here comes the crux of the matter. It isn’t about creating something static. So, expect a lot of dynamism in the creation process based on the tools you choose. Overall, the method varies according to the tools. However, there is a set of general guidelines that you need to follow for NFT creation. That way, creating an NFT pitch deck may seem more comprehensible.

Nature of the NFT

Creating an NFT may seem like a bolt from the blue unless you know what you want to create. There is a flurry of options to choose from like music, artwork, memes, virtual events, games, and what not. So, the list is endless. You can also select from real-life items like collectibles. No matter which NFT you choose, make sure it is in the form of a video or audio file. It can also be in the form of an image. Initially, you can focus on creating a simple NFT that can easily pick momentum. For a budding entrepreneur, an event or a loyalty card may make more sense to interact with prospects but when creating investor business plan, you need a good amount of backing from experts.

Select the marketplace for NFTs

Here comes another meaty part that you can hardly take lightly. On top of that, the number of marketplaces for NFTs adds to the trouble. Each one will have its pros and cons. So, be sure to do lump sum research. A good option would be to consider the following parameters:

➡️Security threat is a major issue and a majority of networks are prone to it. Check the security track record of the marketplace to fix your choice.
➡️To increase the number of transactions, you must choose a marketplace with higher speed, allowing you to complete the transaction more easily. Similarly, you need to choose a network with lower transaction costs.
➡️Is the marketplace energy-efficient? That way, you will have a hold on the time spent while working with the creation of NFTs.


Creating a digital or crypto wallet

Next, you go ahead and create the digital wallet. Wondering what it is all about? Well, NFTs exist on blockchain with a unique ID, which indicates that you own it. The wallet also comprises the key that authenticates your transactions. Is the wallet is attuned with the marketplace and the blockchain.

Invest on crypto through an exchange

Now, it’s time to buy cryptocurrency for minting NFTs. All you have to do is create an account with a reputable exchange to buy the currency, and the process is not complicated. As a business, if you created a token and want to see returns when it is sold, NFT pitch deck will have a lot of impact. For minting NFT, you need to buy Ethereum or Solana coins based on the blockchain. Thereafter, you need to transfer the coins to the wallet.

Uniting the wallet with the NFT platform

You have already chosen the NFT marketplace and created your wallet. So, it’s time to connect the NFT platform with the wallet.

Displaying the NFT

To sell and monetize your NFT, you need to display it properly. Just upload an image of your content and don’t forget to add to it an attention-grabbing title and description so that buyers find it more interesting.

As an entrepreneur trying your hands with the NFT creation process, things may look complicated. However, you won’t step back from investor business plans once you gain an understanding of the process. Go through the steps mentioned above and do your research to attain the goals. For a perfect business plan, leave everything to experts. They will help you prepare well-rounded strategies that do the talking and allow you to get ahead of the competition.